Association of Psychologists of the Northwest Territories
The APNWT is a professional organization made up of Registered and Interning Psychologists in the NWT. The APNWT is registered under the Societies Act, NWT. The APNWT is dedicated to the development and professional practice of psychology within the NWT for the benefit of all Northerners.
The APNWT is affiliated with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and a member of the Council of Professional Associations of Psychologists (CPAP).
All Registered Psychologists working the NWT are encouraged to become a member of the APNWT.
To become a member of the APNWT, please contact: info@APNWT.org
June 11, 2024 5:30 pm
Meeting at Northstar/Cetana inside Centre Ice Plaza 408 Range Lake Road, Yellowknife or on Zoom. Contact info@APNWT.org to obtain the zoom link if you are not a member. All members will receive the zoom link by email.
Contact APNWT
You can reach us by filling out this form, or through email at: info@APNWT.org
If you are requesting an appointment or consultation with a Psychologist, please review our members page and contact an individual listed there. The APNWT does not handle appointments.
If you are looking for information on how to register as a Psychologist in the NWT, please email: professional_licensing@gov.nt.ca. The APNWT is not able to answer any licensing questions or provide support.
registration/Licensing Enquiries
The APNWT is not a licensing body. Licensing and registration of Psychologists in the NWT is the responsibility of the Department of Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories.
Please see the contact information below.
Office of the Registrar, Professional Licensing
Department of Health and Social Services
5015-49 Street (7th Floor)
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Phone: 867-767-9053
Email: professional_licensing@gov.nt.ca